Prof. Dr. Christina Rothhaar

Fakultaet 09
Room: R 4.047
Address: 80335 München, Lothstr. 64

T +49 89 1265-3953
F +49 89 1265-3902


Head of Degree Programme MBA & Engineering

Consultation hour: by arrangement - please contact me

Fact sheet

  • Leadership
  • Communication & Conflict Management
  • Change Management / Organizational Development
  • Group Behaviour & Team Development
  • Personnel Diagnostics & Selection

Further information

  • Head of Degree Programme MBA & Engineering
  • Study Programme Counselling MBA & Engineering

  • Key Qualifications (Bachelor WING)
  • Personnel and Organizational Development (Bachelor WING, AU, LM)
  • Leadership & Upward Management (MBA & Eng.)
  • Soft Skills Communication (Master WING, MBA & Eng.)