Prof. Dr. David Kostner

Fakultaet 09
Room: R 4.048
Address: 80335 München, Lothstr. 64

T +49 89 1265-3920
F +49 89 1265-3902


Consultation hours by arrangement via e-mail.

Fact sheet

  • Molecular Biology
  • Industrial Biotechnology
  • Renewable Resources

Main research areas:

  • Development of molecular biological tools for engineering of microbial non-standard production strains
  • Genetics of biopolymer-producing microorganisms
  • Development of microbial production systems for biobased plastics (PHAs, microcrystalline cellulose)
  • Adaptation of microorganisms to sustainable substrates based on residues or side streams

Further Information

  • Preliminary work on the genetic engineering of Alcaligenaceae
  • Evaluation of industrially unexploited biopolymer-producing microorganisms

  • Study of Microbiology at the University of Innsbruck (B. Sc)
  • Study of Microbiology at the TU Munich (M. Sc.)
  • Doctorate at the TU Munich in the field of microbial genetics - Prof. Liebl, Department of Microbiology
  • Several years of experience in industrial biotechnology companies:
    • Team leader R&D, Department Biotechnology, Fritzmeier Group
    • Laboratory Manager, Department of Biotechnology, Electrochaea