Prof. Dr. Hermann Englberger

Fakultaet 09
Room: R 2.059
Address: 80335 München, Lothstr. 64

T +49 89 1265-3900
F +49 89 1265-3902


Dean of the HM School of Engineering & Management

Consultation hour

Fact sheet


Further information

  • Speaker of the Deans of the Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences HM
  • Dean of the HM School of Engineering & Management WING
  • Member of the Board of the International Council in Academic Departments of Engineering & Management FFBTWI
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the German Association for Engineering Management VWI
  • Expert in the WI Expert Committee of the Accreditation Agency ASIIN
  • Member of the Foundation Board of the Strascheg Foundation for Entrepreneurship SCE