Fakultät für

International Management and Digital Engineering (B.Eng.)
This program is designed with a modular structure, consisting of six semesters focused on theoretical knowledge and one practical semester.
The curriculum incorporates a significant share of technical modules, a robust education in business economics, and an array of integration modules that impart comprehensive and cohesive skills. Students have the opportunity to tailor their educational focus by choosing from a variety of elective modules and general studies (AW) modules, in addition to following the core curriculum with emphases on internationalization and digitalization.
- Abschluss
- Bachelor
- Studienart
- Vollzeit
- Fakultät/en
- FK09
- Studienbeginn
- Wintersemester
- Regelstudienzeit
- 7 Semester (Vollzeit)
- Zu erreichende ECTS
- 210 ECTS-Punkte
- Studienort
- Campus Lothstraße, 80335 München
- Zulassungsvoraussetzungen
- General higher education entrance qualification
- Advanced technical college entrance qualification
- Subject-specific university entrance qualification
- Leaving the profession
- Graduates of a further vocational training examination (master craftsmen, technicians and equivalent)
- Professionally qualified persons (at least two years of vocational training in a field related to the intended degree programme followed by at least three years of full-time professional experience in a field related to the intended degree programme, plus passing a university entrance examination)
- English Language Skills: Level B2
- Knowledge of the German language is necessary to fully integrate into the local society. Therefore, we request a corresponding language certification on level B1 by the end of the 5th semester
- Zulassungsmodus
- zulassungsbeschränkt
- Hauptunterrichtssprache
- Englisch
- Praxis
- Praxissemester: 6. Semester, 20 Wochen
- Auslandsaufenthalt
- -
- Semestergebühren (aktuell laufendes Semester)
- Grundbeitrag für das Studierendenwerk 85,00 Euro
Get a glimpse....
Student Counselling
Our study program provides an equal understanding of technical issues and business contexts.
In addition to the current and successfully running industrial engineering program of our department, the new IMADE program was designed to prepare students for upcoming challenges of the future. Trends such as digital transformation, internationalization, sustainability, diversity, and interdisciplinary skills, as well as the resulting transformation of industry and society, are all addressed.
As "double talents", our graduates will be well prepared where technical and business issues come together and can be found in all industries
As a student on this degree program you should bring along:
- Keen interest in technical subjects
- Mathematics and IT skills
- Basic understanding of economics
- Proficiency in Business English (Level B2)
- Analytical skills
- Communication and teamworking skills
- Intercultural competence
- Interest in technology and digital innovation
You will enjoy:
- Interdisciplinary work
- A broad-based curriculum
- A practice-oriented education
- Intercultural teams
Pushes through:
- Mathematical and technical problems
Who has a degree in this programme often works in:
- This degree program is of interest to graduates in professional fields at the interface of business and technology
As "double talents", our graduates are often found in project management, technical purchasing or sales, product management and controlling - wherever technical and business issues come together. As allrounders, all industries are open to industrial engineers.
For example:
1. Technology companies: product development, project management, technical consulting.
2. Consulting firms: business consulting with a focus on digital transformation.
3. Various start-ups
4. Financial services: Rroles in fintech or innovation management.
5. Manufacturing industry: digitalization of manufacturing processes.
6. Research and development: technology-oriented innovation projects.
After completing the Bachelor's degree in International Management and Digital Engineering, one is well-prepared for entering the professional field in practice. Equally, further qualification through a Master's degree program is possible.
The objective of the International Management and Engineering Program (IMADE) is to prepare our domestic students for the international job market and to prepare international students for the German job market.
This is achieved by enhancing the existing interdisciplinary and integrative qualification profile of the industrial engineering studies (Management & Engineering) with international and intercultural competencies, as well as with up-to-date specialist knowledge in the field of digitalization.
In addition to the prescribed curriculum and specialization in the areas of internationalization and digitalization, individual focal points can be set through the selection of elective modules (AWs).
Admitted students will receive further information on enrollment with their letter of admission.
Faculty for Engineering and Management
Find more information on the German Website:
Fakultät für Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
All information about studying can be found in the A-Z list on the Faculty of Industrial Engineering's web page:
Zentrale Studienberatung
Studieninformation in der Lothstraße 34
T +49 89 1265-1121
Virtuelle Studieninformation
Online-Studienberatung und Terminvereinbarung
Raum A 33/34
T +49 89 1265-5000
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Prüfung und Praktikum
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