Fakultät für

Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation (Master)
Do you want to start your entrepreneurial project in mobility, health, manufacturing, food or your topic?
Are you a team player and thrive in an international and interdisciplinary work environment?
Do you desire to learn from peers and professionals in a community of aspiring entrepreneurs and corporate innovators?
Then the DeepDive Master Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation offered by HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences and its entrepreneurship center, the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE), is the right fit for you. Either as founders of your own business (entrepreneurs) or as corporate innovators with our industry partners (intrapreneurs), your project team will be supervised by a professor and a coach to come up with innovative solutions for the digital businesses of tomorrow.
Through a learning-by- doing approach with the right balance between theory and practice, you will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to start your own business or innovate in an organizational environment.
- Abschluss
- Master
- Studienart
- Vollzeit
- Fakultät/en
- FK09
- Studienbeginn
- Wintersemester
- Regelstudienzeit
- 3 Semester (Vollzeit)
- Zu erreichende ECTS
- 90 ECTS-Punkte
- Studienort
- Campus Lothstraße, 80335 München
- Zulassungsvoraussetzungen
- Completed studies (at least 6 theoretical semesters / 180 ECTS) with an overall grade of at least 2.5 at a German university or an equivalent degree (In exceptional cases, an overall grade of 2.5 or better is not required if above-average professional and operational performance is demonstrated within responsibly conducted intra-/entrepreneurship or digitization projects.)
- Proof of good English proficiency: Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) such as TOEFL or IELTS or English-language education at a secondary school or university
- The application process is based on a 2-stage aptitude assessment, including:
- Pre-selection based on a project description and demonstrated knowledge in the areas of intra-/entrepreneurship, digital transformation, and project implementation
- Admission interview (assessment of analytical and problem-solving skills as well as argumentation and communication skills).
- Zulassungsmodus
- Eignungsverfahren
- Hauptunterrichtssprache
- Englisch, weitere Sprachen: Deutsch
- Auslandsaufenthalt
- -
- Semestergebühren (aktuell laufendes Semester)
- Grundbeitrag für das Studierendenwerk 85,00 Euro
Ready to delve deeper into the program's insights? Watch this video.
Do you want to start your entrepreneurial project in health, mobility, manufacturing, food or your topic?
Are you a team player and thrive in an international and interdisciplinary work environment?
Do you desire to learn from peers and professionals in a community of aspiring entrepreneurs and corporate innovators?
Then the joint master's programme Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation offered by Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences and Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE) is the right fit for you.
Either as founders of your own business (entrepreneurs) or as corporate innovators with our industry partners (intrapreneurs), your project team will be supervised by a professor and a coach to come up with innovative solutions for the digital businesses of tomorrow.
Through a learning-by- doing approach with the right balance between theory and practice, you will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to start your own business or innovate in an organizational environment.
Wer diesen Studiengang studiert
bringt mit:
All applicants - both international and German candidates - must complete an online application via the platform Primuss .
A two-stage suitability procedure will be performed, consisting of a pre-selection on the basis of your university degree, grade point average, the project description, and the proven knowledge in the areas of entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, digital transformation and implementation of projects.
Thus the qualification requirements for access to the master program include:
- University degree and grade point average
- proof of English language skills
- submission of a project description
- proof of knowledge in entre- or intrapreneurship
Applicants with international degrees:
If you have a non-German Bachelor or diploma degree, please use uni-assist for prior evaluation of your certificates before applying to the master's program at Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences.
uni-assist evaluates if your university degree/certificates fulfill the general criteria for studying in Germany.
uni-assist also converts your grades to the German system of grades.
[Please note that the grading scale at German universities goes from 1 = very good to 5 = failed]
Please note that uni-assist will need 4-6 weeks to issue the preliminary review record (VPD).
You have to upload the VPD to our online application platform. uni-assist WILL NOT FORWARD your documents to our university.
Self-assessment of qualification
Before you submit your documents to uni-assist and pay a fee for their review services, we recommend converting your grades on your own by using the Bavarian formula. This tool will give you a first orientation if your grades probably meet the qualification requirements for access to the master program.
Another helpful link to check whether the university you graduated from is considered as a higher education institution, is offered by anabin (language is German only).
hat Spaß an:
- digitalization
- founding Start-up
- founder
- entrepreneurial projects
- international and interdisciplinary work environment
kämpft sich durch:
Wer einen Abschluss in diesem Studiengang hat, arbeitet häufig …
Graduates either start their own digital business or lead corporate digital transformation projects
Graduates either start their own digital business or lead corporate digital transformation projects
Graduates either start their own digital business or lead corporate digital transformation projects
We offer live sessions for applicants during April and May to discuss their questions with us.
Please check on site again. Dates will be announced at the beginning of April'22.
Weitere Informationen zur Immatrikulation erhalten zugelassene Studierende mit ihrem Zulassungsbescheid
Zentrale Studienberatung
Studieninformation in der Lothstraße 34
T +49 89 1265-1121
Virtuelle Studieninformation
Online-Studienberatung und Terminvereinbarung
Raum A 33/34
T +49 89 1265-5000
Kontaktdetails und Anfahrt
Raum A 31
T +49 89 1265-1275, +49 89 1265-1497, +49 89 1265-1347
Kontaktdetails und Anfahrt
Prüfung und Praktikum
Sie studieren schon an der Hochschule München und haben Fragen zu Prüfungen oder Praktikum? Dann nutzen Sie bitte die Seite www.hm.edu/pruefung-praktikum